I passed the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification exam!
Last April 10, I took the AZ-900 examination, the certification for Azure Fundamentals. And thankfully, I passed it despite some technical difficulties. I took the test via Pearson Vue, an online proctored exam, as it is the recommended method for taking the exam due to the COVID-19 situation.
Quick Tips:
- Read all the exam tips from the Microsoft Learn site.
- Learn by heart the concepts of Cloud technology and Azure services.
- Be early when checking in the actual exam. Exam will open 30 minutes before the actual start.
- Always check your network before taking the exam, use LAN if possible.
- If unsure with the answer, mark it for review.
- Manage your time well.
- If you run into problems, ask for assistance by talking to the camera because the proctor is always watching.
Good luck!